This work presents the development of a seven-level CHB multilevel converter prototype,
for applications with battery energy storage systems in medium voltage grids. The specification
of each component that composes the power stage of the equipment, as well
as the description of the circuits that compose the electronic measurement and control
system, are described in detail. To demonstrate the functionality of the implemented prototype,
results are presented injecting active power into a 13.8 kV system and charging
the battery banks during scheduled times. The system has a GPS set to provide time
information to perform the transition of the active power support and battery charging
mode. The implemented function is based on the control of active current manipulated
by the converter. For it, is used the proportional resonant controller together with an
algorithm that coordinates charge and discharge of battery banks. The implementation
of the control loop and the control algorithm is performed in the TMS320F28335 microcontroller.
Finally, results are also presented to demonstrate the possibility of using this
equipment for reactive power compensation and system’s voltage regulation.