This work presents a simulation in MATLAB/Simulink environment of a model based on an electric vehicle, E-Power V1, built by the EcoVeículo team. Initially, the history of electric vehicles is introduced until it reaches its current moment of high relevance and demonstrating the reason for still having the disadvantage of having a low autonomy. Based on this, the work is justified by proposing a way to recover energy through regenerative braking, using the VE model of the EcoVeículo team as a model. Thus, the work demonstrates the basic principles of electric motors, focused on the synchronous motor of permanent magnets. Three techniques (single-switch, two-switches and three-switches) of regenerative braking and the equation of the main forces acting on the model are also demonstrated. Finally, the parameters used in the modeling and assembly of the simulation through blocks and functions in MATLAB / Simulink environment are exposed. Through simulation, the results of energy efficiency, accommodation time, electrical torque and error in steady state are presented, being less than 1% in all techniques. In the conclusion, it is discussed the possibility of, as a future work, implementing the three-switches technique, which was more successful in energy recovery, reaching 79.1% of energy efficiency with 3678W recovered, in addition to the advantage of being the only technique sensorless. In this way, the work contributes to the EcoVeículo team by implementing regenerative braking technology in a simulation of the E-Power V1 electric vehicle and showing the competitive advantage when using the technique.