This work presents the results of an investigation of the impact of power quality disturbances
in LED lighting technology. When existing such disturbances in the electrical system, they can cause damage to the most sensitive equipments. At the same time, the non-linearity feature of new lighting technologies may generate disturbances in the distribution system and consequently, cause power quality problems in the distribution system. In this scene, the widespread use of LED lamps and flooglights, in recent years, has become a concern for several worldwide’s researchers.
In order to determine this cause-effect relationship between LED lighting and the distribution
system, this work tested low power lamps, normally used in residential illumination
and higher power lamps, used in industry and for public lighting.
These lamps were tested in a laboratory setting, where it was possible to control the variables
in order to determine the unique behavior of each technology studied. In addition,
the new lighting technology’s impact on the power quality indicators in the distribution
systems could be verified through measurements in establishment that have large quantities
of LED lamps.