Voltage sags are deviations in the rms voltage that may lead to electrical equipment malfunction. Characterized mainly by its magnitude and duration, these events display many
other characteristics that may affect electrical equipment behaviour. Equipment sensitivity curve characterization varies accordingly to equipment type, and is a main factor
for analysing industrial process interruption. From the curve characterization methods
available in literature, for this work, it is used the Left-Right method proposed on IEEE
1668-2017, in an automated form, using hardware-in-the-loop capability of RTDS. The
devices tested are the most used in industrial plants in low voltage (less than 1000V): a.c.
and c.c. electromagnetic contactor, switched-mode power supplies and PLC. The equipment are tested individually, but also as a group, simulating an industrial workbench.
The sensitivity curves are obtained by repeating the same event, in order to evaluate the
occurrence of a fuzzy zone. The results are analyzed and some considerations are raised
about the procedure adopted and equipment sensitivity as well.