The management of urban solid waste is currently one of society's greatest problems, because
when they do not receive an adequate final disposal, they cause major health, social and
environmental problems. Therefore, sanitary landfills are the most suitable means for the
disposal of waste. In landfills, the anaerobic digestion of urban solid waste that occurs naturally,
has emerged as an interesting way to treat these wastes, since the biogas produced during the
process can be used to produce electricity. During the anaerobic digestion process there is the
production of methane (CH4) which, during burning for energy production, transforms this
methane into carbon gas (CO2), presenting an advantage for the reduction of greenhouse gases.
Therefore, this work presents a study of the technical and economic potential of energy
generation for the use of biogas from the landfill in the city of Extrema MG through a routine
developed in the Scilab, Microsoft Excel and LandGEM programs. The results indicated that
there is great potential for energy generation in the landfill, in addition to being an economically
viable enterprise. Two scenarios of sale were presented, for sale in energy auction and for sale
in distributed generation, the first scenario proved to be unfeasible with a loss of R$ 48.81 per
MWh and the second scenario showed that the project is a good investment, presenting a profit
of R$ 74.29 MWh.