In this work a study on the electric arc in industrial electrical systems will be presented,
approaching the calculation methods according to the IEEE Std 1584 – 2002 and its revision
IEEE Std 1584 – 2018 guides. The modifications introduced by the new version of the guide
were presented, identifying the differences in the evaluation of the electric arc. An approach
to arc flash mitigation measures will also be carried out. The development of the work was
based on the comparative analysis of the electric arc calculation methods of the 2002 and
2018 versions, which were applied in a test case study. First, the test case will be evaluated by
applying the calculation methods according to the 2002 and 2018 guides, being executed in
dedicated “PTW” software. Subsequently, the test case will be evaluated again considering
the AC decay of the short-circuit currents of generators and motors, being executed in scripts
developed in "Matlab" and applying the equations from the 2002 and 2018 guides. The results
of the approaches are compared, and The need and urgency of reviewing existing arc flash
studies were then evaluated, as well as the influence when considering the AC decay of shortcircuit currents in the incident energy calculations and in the definition of the garments.