This work presents the design procedure and the analysis of the radiator elements, for the
operational frequency of 5 GHz, using microstrip antennas to be applied in the helicopters.
The designed microstrip antenna is a compact structure, with small thickness and reduced
dimensions, being particularly attractive to be assembled in the aircraft vertical tail in special,
its use will not have influence in the aerodynamics aspects, which represents a serviceable
characteristic when compared to others models of antennas. The microstrip antenna has a
several applications in addition to the usual for communications systems, for example in
equipment to avoid collision between aircraft. In addition to the theoretical development for
the chosen model, simulation programs such as HFSS® from ANSYS® and Matlab® will
be used for other design calculations. A prototype was developed in order to perform the
characterization of the studied antenna, from the analysis of its behavior operating in the
resonance frequency, to determine the far field and consequent evaluation of the parameters
of gain and return loss. The designed antenna with dimensions 2,4 x 1,84 x 0,158 cm
presented gain of 7,06dBi and return loss of -32,12 dB, working in 5,46GHz, which makes it
extremely useful for use in rotary wing aircraft.