Innovation by the entrepreneur acts as a condition for development and has been the main
resource for the success of organizations. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation is the
general objective of this research is to analyze the form of description of entrepreneurship
actions in the taking as the object of this study. For this, a descriptive quantitative-qualitative
case study was carried out. Procedurally, a systematic bibliographic study was carried out to
survey the attributes and factors that were considered in the description model. The theoretical
basis was about private entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial universities as an ecosystem. By
constitution, the last factors listed constituted the model that was applied through semi structured interviews with the managers of the Higher Education Institution - IES. 230
manufacturers of specific products from the IES were applied. The institution focuses a lot on
the importance of entrepreneurial behavior. The college mainly presents social entrepreneurial
projects. It was found that the main factors that limit entrepreneurship are: funding, student
availability and entrepreneurial culture at the teaching level. There is a lack of teacher
engagement and isolated work around entrepreneurship. This research investigates the approach
of entrepreneurship in private HEIs. Contributed with a description of points that can also be
considered by the HEI for carrying out exercises and around entrepreneurship and the
ecosystem in which it is incorporated.