In a monopolistic electricity market, regulation of the electricity sector is essential to
avoid overinvestment that does not match the quality of service provided. In this sense,
this work aims to evaluate the structure of the electricity sector and the tariff system of
São Tomé and Príncipe (STP), and to propose a more efficient methodology of tariff
calculation through the economic market model, TAROT (Optimized Tariff), for the
determination of a tariff that is capable of promoting the economic and financial balance
of the Water and Electricity Company (WEC), and to ensure that the levels of quality of
service and the demand for electricity are met, while considering the ability to pay
according to the income of consumers. In addition, the impact of the tariff increases on
low-income families and WEC was analyzed. It is necessary to create tariff policies that
enable the inclusion of these families in the WEC electrical system. In this sense, the tariff
should be increased gradually, and it is essential that in addition to it I reflected the
operational costs of the company, also ensures that the low-income population has access
to electricity at more affordable prices. Finally, an analysis of investment in energy
sources was carried out as viable alternatives to complement the current electricity
generation system (diesel thermoelectric) in São Tomé and Príncipe. For this, we used
the indicators of economic viability analysis: Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of
Return (IRR), Minimum Attractiveness Rate (MAR) and discounted Payback. It was found
that the insertion of alternative energy sources in the energy matrix together with Energy
Efficiency, in addition to contributing to improve efficiency and safety in generation,
would also significantly reduce the operational costs that the company has with the
import of diesel to generate electricity, in addition to promoting increased competition in
the electric market.