Considering the importance of the health posts of Itajubá-MG and the concern with the financial, environmental, health and energy crises. We base our discussion on the distributed generation (DG) projects in health posts and impacts related to micro and minigeneration. Having as an example already executed, a photovoltaic installation in the post of the Unified Health System (SUS), in the municipality of Itajubá, in the Santa Rosa neighborhood. Also, the work seeks to show how local measures, coming from the community, the public or private sector, can generate major changes in development, specifically with regard to the SUS. Thus, local modifications, directed to the better performance and strengthening of the UBS, will generate a more robust national health system. Initially, literature-based analyses of the place of the community in development were conducted. Also, the feasibility of deploying distributed generation systems and smart grids in UBSs, which would eventually contribute to the development of the SUS, was analyzed. The results were verified through budgets and established financial techniques, such as Payback, Present Value (PV), and Net Present Value (NPV) calculations. The calculations demonstrate that it is possible, for the municipality of Itajubá MG, to implement and obtain positive results in the short, medium and long term, these being the generation of jobs, directly and indirectly, the improvement in the quality of life of the population, the conservation of the environment and the financial return that, eventually, can be reinvested in other health sectors.