The present work represents the initial step to establish at IEM-UNIFEI a
research group in the analysis of weather data and its use in engineering applications.
A preliminary profile of the climate of Itajubá, MG, was developed based on weather
data collected by the Brazilian Space Research Institute (INPE) and the reduced data
were used for sizing and simulating the performance throughout the year of a natural
circulation solar heater. The weather data analyzed were the ambient air temperature,
solar radiation, and wind velocity and direction.
In order to perform the simulation mentioned above, a computer routine was
developed based on a model of the complete solar system — solar collectors, storage
tank, and connecting pipes. The computer routine also allowed for a parametric
analysis to be made so as to check the influence of several design parameters on the
system performance.
Next, a cost-benefit analysis was made to check weather Brazilian lower
classes would have access to solar heaters. The payback time was determined for
different system capacities using values representatives of the Brazilian financial