In small municipalities, the Water Supply System (WSS) has great challenges, as, in most cases, there is a lack of financial resources and little professional qualification to operate the system. This work aims to evaluate the water supply system of a small municipality, focusing on the quality of the water distributed, and to propose improvements, having as a case study the municipality of Conceição das Pedras/MG. To this end, information was collected through technical data, field visits, SNIS indicators and users' perception. After collection, all information was analyzed to obtain the technical-participative diagnosis of the WSS in question. In the diagnosis, some weaknesses were identified, such as a high rate of per capita consumption, lack of micro and macro measurement and problems in the analysis of water quality. In view of the weaknesses, the proposed improvements to the system involved four programs (Elaboration of the Municipal Basic Sanitation Plan, Water Consumption Reduction, Improvements in Water Quality and Environmental Management) and for each of them short, medium and long term. It is important that programs and actions are implemented to ensure a more efficient and quality WSS.
Keywords: Diagnosis. Water supply. Treatment. Water quality. Users' Perception.