Distributed Generation (DG), especially photovoltaic solar energy, has been growing a lot in recent years because it has a leveled cost of implementation lower than fossil sources. Aneel Normative Resolution No. 482/2012, which established the compensation system and defined the connection characteristics for distributed micro and mini-generation systems, boosted the expansion of this segment. The supply of energy obtained by photovoltaic systems can make an important contribution to the Brazilian energy matrix, however, it is important that the electrical effects on neighboring networks are analyzed, such as voltage regulation and the thermal limit of conductors, which define the capacity network hosting. The objective of this work is to evaluate the electrical characteristics of the behavior of the feeder circuit of a substation where the photovoltaic plant of UNIFEI will be connected, with an initial capacity of 609,84 [kWp] and its expansion to 976 [kWp] connected to the supply network in primary voltage of 13.8 kV in the southern region of Minas Gerais on the CEMIG network. The tariff modality contracted by the consumer unit is the green hourly tariff of subgroup A4. The methodology proposed for the study consists of analyzing the power flow using the OpenDSS software in the IJAU11 feeder circuit connected to the local substation. The network's physical and electrical characteristics and load curves are drawn from historical BDGD measurements. The physical characteristics of the plant are configured in the PVSystem software in OpenDSS, where the constructive arrangement of the plant on the university campus is configured, considering the conditions of solar irradiation in its geographic coordinates. The electrical effects of voltage and current caused by this plant's power injection into the network were evaluated according to the limits defined in PRODIST, reaching values below the limit, 1.05 pu higher and 0.93 pu lower.