To keep the power generators in a good state of operation might be a daunting
task, because it will probably involve a considerable number of generators and each one
of them having a great number of variables to be monitored and processed. Besides that,
can be added the fact that some thermo electrical power plants operate in a regime in
which they have to dispatch power in a non-scheduled routine, when demanded by ONS.
The class and the type of the power generator units are important, because, it’s expected
that the synchronization time of the first unit and the operating time at full power should
be no more than 30 minutes. Which is relatively low, when there are a great number of
generators. Following these thoughts, it is imperative having a smart tool that is capable
of showing the actual state of each motor, furthermore will assist it in having a more
efficient start and power generation.
It was presented in this dissertation the development of a smart control and
monitoring system for thermoelectric power plants, that also includes the elaboration of
a modification in the Analytic Hierarchic Process that it will the process faster. This tool
will be capable of investigating wide array of variables that are being originated from the
generators. Moreover, will provide alerts, create a database with all the most relevant
information, implement a supervisory capable of showing all the data needed by who is
operating the machine and for last, develop a software that it analyzes all of the collected
data and rank all the generators.
The scope of this work will approach the selection of the sensor. It will compose
the data collection part of the system, the part needed to assemble a robust data
transmission infrastructure, study and select mathematical tools. Then, these all structure
will allow the ranking of all the generators and give the possibility to the operator, which
can modify the evaluation profiles and to validate the whole system.