The expansion of the transmission segment and the quality of the public electric energy
service rendering of the Brazilian Electric System (SEB) have a fundamental role in
the development and sustainability of the energy market.
Such service is performed by the transmission concessionaires through the
establishment of an Annual Allowable Revenue (RAP) that is directly linked to the full
availability of its transmission assets for operation and coordination of the National
Electric System Operator - ONS, as established in the Contracts for the Provision of
Public Transmission Service (CPST).
The first regulatory intervention in the transmission segment occurred through the
publication of Normative Resolution 270/2007, which established the provisions for the
quality of the public electric power transmission service, associated with the availability
of the installations that are part of the Basic Grid.
With the growing commercial operation of transmission assets in the National
Interconnected System (SIN), since this branch has become attractive to national and
international companies in the energy sector, it generated in 2016, through Normative
Resolution no. 729/2016, changes in the regulation that deals with the calculation of
unavailability of transmission equipment; this resolution would be rectified through
Normative Resolution no. 782 of 2017 with the purpose of adjusting some rules and
Due to the number of resolutions in force that govern the theme of electric energy
transmission in Brazil, Normative Resolution no. 906 of 2020 was published,
consolidating all the regulatory norms in a single document.
The Variable Portion consists of an economic incentive for the maintenance of full
availability of the transmission facilities. Its application is not characterized as a penalty
for non-compliance with regulations, but as a regulatory incentive mechanism for the
reduction of delay times for start-up, unavailability or operating restrictions. Thus, the
application of the Variable Part does not depend on the assessment of fault or malice,
and its calculation is directly related to the time of unavailability or operational
restriction of the Transmission Function.
Therefore, this work will address a history of the transmission segment, the calculation
process of the unavailabilities performed monthly by ONS and, through indicators and
statistical surveys of the disturbances and disconnections of the Basic Grid that
occurred between the years 2013 and 2020, assess the performance of the
Transmission Functions that have been in commercial operation since 2013 from a
financial perspective, the impact of the Variable Installment for Unavailability on the
revenues of the transmitters.
Thus, the data and causes related to the occurrences in the Basic Grid, the average
quantity of disconnections and the values accounted and discounted from the
transmitters were analyzed, considering the economic incentive brought by the
regulation, as well as the impacts of the evolution of this regulation on the availability
of the Transmission Functions.