One of the problems commonly faced by Hydro Power Plants (HHP) is related to the
inefficiency of their fish transposition system (FTS). Often, the implemented system is
not functioning properly, due to lack of control, monitoring, operational capacity, orderly
maintenance procedures and data transparency. If the FTS does not work correctly, the
fish, instead of opting for the alternative path offered by the system, end up following
water flows that do not result in migration. In this context, the environmental inspection
bodies hold the enterprise responsible for the damage caused to the environment and
the community, through the application of fines. Some pass through the pipelines of the
generating machines, others remain parked on the dam threshold or close to the spillway.
Thus, they are held hostage by the operations carried out at the plant, which can pro mote the mass death of fish. Having presented the problem, the objective of this work is
to create a digital twin (DT) supported by virtual reality for a FTS, aiming at the general
optimization of the structure. In this way, it will be possible to control the real structure
through a computational model that faithfully represents the physical system. The im plemented DT consists of four main tools: 2D supervisory, 3D supervisory, maintenance
management system and a mobile application. Each tool has a specific function and was
created to make up the needs of operation, monitoring and maintenance. In addition, the
set assists in the construction of operating histories, which contribute to the transparency
and presentation of data.