Load modeling in power systems is a crucial aspect for stability studies. The analysis of certain dynamic phenomena requires proper load modeling. Fault Induced Delayed Voltage Recovery (FIDVR) is directly related to Residential Air Conditioner (RAC) stalling. Therefore, the modeling of induction motor loads is essential to this analysis. Delayed voltage recovery in the system can result in delayed power recovery in inverters connected to the transmission system, responsible for connecting photovoltaic and wind power plants to the Brazilian Interconnected Power System (BIPS). In the last few years, there has been a huge growth of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Brazil. In power systems around the world, both modern and legacy ride-through settings coexist. Inverters with legacy settings are more likely to disconnect in systemic events. The modeling of induction motors in the Acre-Rondonia system leads to a deterioration of this system’s dynamic performance, which can lead to collapse. DER’s voltage support can contribute to post-fault system voltage recovery, mitigating the delay caused by RAC stalling and avoiding collapse. For this to happen, more robust ride-through settings are required, avoiding inverter disconnection. Moreover, dynamic voltage support and reactive current priority requirements must be demanded from inverters that connect to the system.