The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that the use of information technology can
positively impact the provision of public services, taking into account knowledge in the
theoretical field of regional development, computing and electrical engineering. This is a
research into the situation of management software used in city halls in the South of Minas
Gerais, in order to seek solutions in the field of Engineering for the problems identified,
through the development of free software. This research is relevant, as the use of the
aforementioned software will improve searches for information, thus facilitating the daily
lives of employees and the population, in addition to reducing the slowness of bureaucracy,
with quick responses that improve management and communication to citizens. From a
methodological point of view, a survey, document analysis and interviews with managers
from ten municipalities in the south of Minas Gerais were carried out. Through the analyzes
and results, it was found that there is no communication system in the form of a database
associated with hardware that guarantees the preservation and efficient circulation of
municipal management information. As a product, it is proposed to create a free online
platform, easily accessible to the population, with video and text communication functions;
protocol and document authentication; digital signature; expedited scheduling; supplier
database connectivity; mobile device connectivity; miscellaneous requests; information
management spreadsheets; and data security in order to structure a competitive scenario for
the municipalities studied. Furthermore, the use of software tools such as Artificial
Intelligence (AI) will also contribute to mitigating social inequalities. It is expected that, with
the development of software aimed at the concept of Interactive/Smart City, existing problems
with current technologies will be detected and then solutions for local/regional development
will be presented. This research was dedicated to the design and implementation of a solution
aimed at improving communication at the municipal level. The thesis addresses the
communication issues faced by certain municipalities and explores how the application of
engineering concepts can offer autonomous solutions to overcome these difficulties in a
Thus, the novelty of this research is the application of engineering at the service of small and
medium-sized municipalities in the South of Minas Gerais with the aim of contributing to the
Sustainable Development Goal (ODS 9) of the United Nations (UN) and, also, and can be
replicable solutions, given the predispositions of positive impact on society.