With each passing year the electrical system has evolved substantially. This is due to the increase in the inclusion of renewable sources in the network, which includes the concept of smart grids. Microgrids can operate isolated or connected to the main network and are a great alternative to ensure quality and reliability in the supply of electricity.
In this dissertation, special attention is given to microgrids with islanding problems regarding demand variation, and the concept of electric vehicles connected to the grid. Electric vehicles are used as energy storage to supply energy within the stipulated limits and analyze whether there is a need for their use at the time of islanding. Also, in cases of a non-tolerable operating point, the primary control of frequency and voltage is used to correct the operation of the system.
The results presented here are based on the IEEE 37-Nodes Test Feeder system, which to make it equivalent to a microgrid, some modifications were made. In this system, it is possible to change the network charge curves, including electric vehicles, number of EVs to be charged and their respective batteries.
With this, it is expected that the tools used here will be able to analyze and manage the system when there are islanding situations.