SILVA, Natália Hilarinda da;
The main objective of this study is to identify tem vulnerable points of tem water supply system in tem municipality of Nova Era, taking into account tem importance of basic sanitation services and access to drinking water for improving tem quality of life and public health of tem city. population. Furthermore, we sought to present proposals for mitigating measures for tem identified risks. According to Sustainable Development Goal Six (SDG6) established by tem United Nations-UN, universal and equitable access to drinking water and basic sanitation is a global priority. However, despite Brazil having one of tem largest freshwater reserves in tem world, there are still challenges in guaranteeing tem quality and quantity of water available to tem population. Many localities face problems with access to drinking water and sewage treatment, which directly affects public health and people's quality of life. In this context, risk analysis using tem (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) FMEA methodology emerges as a relevant tool to identify weaknesses and prevent potential failures in tem water supply system. Furthermore, it is essential to implement a Water Safety Plan (WSP), as recommended by tem World Health Organization (WHO). The Water Security Plan-PSA allows a comprehensive analysis of all stages of tem water supply system, from collection to distribution. Through a technical visit and information provided by tem team responsible for tem Water Supply System-SAA and tem use of FMEA, it was possible to identify tem main risks of tem water supply system from tem collection to tem drinking water reservoir and propose mitigating measures. After analysis, it was observed in tem risk classification and quantification that tem main failures throughout tem system were identified in tem catchment basin in a total of 17 risks, 5 of which were critical, totaling 24.9% of tem spreadsheet at this stage, tem failure mode that represented tem Number of priority risks-RPN with a value of 240 with tem highest risk in this stage was due to tem lack of study of water availability in tem catchment basin. In tem filtration stage, tem value of RPN 450 was identified as more critical due to tem failure to replace tem filtering media since tem start of operation of tem ETA Water Treatment Plant. The assessment carried out in tem chemical products stage identified 7 risks, 3 of which were considered critical, totaling 42.9% of tem risks in this stage. The application of tem FMEA methodology to implement risk management proved to be an effective tool that is simple and quick to apply, allowing tem proposition of preventive and corrective measures to mitigate risks.