In Brazil, mostly of urban centers were not planned. Consequently, cities have suffered from an increase in flood events and consequently floods. In this context, specialized literature presents tools such as hydrological modeling to assist both in understanding the physical processes in the basin during events and in decision making. As an example of application, the city of Caratinga, located in the Doce River valley region, in the east of the state of Minas Gerais, has suffered from extreme hydrological events. The events recorded in 2003 and 2004 stand out, which, in addition to financial losses, were also marked by human losses. Thus, understanding the physical processes of the basin upstream of the city has become essential for developing macro and micro drainage planning based on reliable scientific data. To this end, the present work proposes to apply hydrological and hydraulic models using the HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software to evaluate the behavior of the Caratinga River in the urban section of the city. The SCS-CN methods were used to determine the design flows, the Cowan method to estimate the roughness and the separation of events using the rx5day index. Additionally, satellite images and aerial photographs were used to collect data on topography, land use and soil types in the study region. The results obtained showed that 21.74% of the events resulted in flooding points in the city, also pointing out that the Caratinga River overflows with flows above 20m³/s. As a product, this work provides a technical opinion as a proposal for a guideline to guide public administrators in Caratinga and the region regarding the preparation of the municipal urban drainage plan.