The reuse of water for urban, agricultural and industrial purposes is already a reality in many countries and has great potential to be consolidated in Brazil, especially in urban centers, where water stress is increasingly constant, as is the case of the municipality from Guanhaes/MG. Given this scenario, the objective of this work is to evaluate the potential for water reuse in the municipality, using treated sewage from the existing sewage treatment plant in the city, operated by the Autonomous Water and Sewage Service of Guanhaes - SAAE. For the development of the work, a research was carried out on the acceptability of the population, a survey of demands and an economic evaluation for the implementation of reuse. In addition, the characteristics of the treated sewage were compared with the values presented in the Normative Deliberation of CERH nº 65. SAAE Guanhaes provided analysis results for E. coli, pH, electrical conductivity and flow. Complementary analyzes for viable helminth eggs and sodium adsorption ratio were carried out by collecting the effluent treated at the station and sending it to a specialized laboratory to obtain the results. It was verified that the level of human contact with the treated effluent proved to be crucial to determine the acceptability of the reuse and that the people of the municipality, for the most part, consider the reuse of water advantageous. The quality of the treated effluent made it possible to positively identify the reuse potential both in urban and agrosilvopastoral reuse. Through economic analysis, it can be concluded that transport via water truck would be interesting for demands with maximum distances of up to 15 km, where the values required for transport are lower than the values referring to drinking water.